1. Don’t use your credit cards if at all possible. Pay cash and use credit cards only for convenience or emergencies.
2. Don’t have more than $25 in your wallet at any time so you are not tempted to buy on impulse. If you have to think about going a long way to find an ATM machine you will probably lose the desire to buy.
3. Take your lunch to work rather than going to cafés or food halls.
4. If you are going to the supermarket make sure you have a list and try and stick to it.
5. If you can pay your mortgage every fortnight rather than every month then you can save yourself a lot.
6. If your child is one and growing quickly don’t buy expensive clothes. They will outgrow the clothes quickly and you would have purchased them at a high price.
7. If you smoke, give up. The damage to your health is reason enough but also the damage to your wallet.
8. Don’t buy at the end of the year, wait for the new years sales.
9. Don’t always buy brand items. Sometimes cheaper brands are just as good and much cheaper.
10. Save money on your heating and cooling costs by keeping doors and windows closed. Turn your thermostat down.
11. If you are a person that is good at planning, buy some of your Christmas presents at sale time and keep them until next season.
12. Don’t forget to use coupons.
13. When you are flying watch out for specials that come through the airlines and then buy these seats before the seats go.
14. Watch out for electricity usage. Often all the lights in the house when that is not necessary. Switch off.
15. Watch your car repairs. It is better to get someone skilled and honest to look after your repairs who will not overcharge.
16. Watch your bank fees. Bank fees can grow considerably over the years so be aware of how much you are charged for certain transactions and then make appropriate arrangements.
17. Don’t allow your credit cards to get too high. Make sure that you clear your credit cards each month of you can.
18. When you take out a car loan, make sure you take one out that doesn’t have a penalty if you repay it early.
19. Refinance your mortgage if the rates are more beneficial. Sometime look at consolidation of your debts into one and then stick to a plan of paying them off.
20. If you are moving into a new area it is best to rent first before you buy. This will give you time to familiarise yourself with the area and decide on where you want to live and the prices of the properties etc. It is often a trap to buy too quickly.
21. When you buy a home, the greater amount of your savings and the greater growth of your value will come in the price that you pay. This is especially so in areas where the property values don’t grow very much. Your biggest saving will be if you are able to negotiate a good price early.
22. Don’t let the family finances cause you problems. Give the children a certain amount per week in an allowance and don’t change it from that.
23. Don’t look on your shopping as a chance for you to spend and spend. Have a plan.
24. Remember advertised items are not necessarily the cheapest. Watch for unadvertised specials. Remember to ask for a rain check if an item is totally sold out.
25. Try not to shop on paydays.
26. Just because an item is on sale, doesn’t mean it is a good buy.
27. Buy only what you and your family need rather than what is on special.
28. If you can afford it, stock up when prices are low.
29. Don’t forget to try alternative places to shop. Try thrift stores, consignment shops, warehouse sales, garage sales, markets.
30. Shop alone. Other people will only help fill your shopping cart (especially your partner).
31. Know your prices. Keep a price book if you have to.
32. Watch out for fancy packaging. You don’t pay money for it –you pay money for what is inside.
33. Remember the rule of three. If an item has three different ways that it can be used then you are generally not wasting your money.
34. Always watch when the sales person rings your purchases. Always check the receipt to make sure the calculation is correct.
35. When going shopping, leave the credit cards and cheques at home if you can. Take out some cash to use and once you reach your limit - that's it.
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